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Seed Services


Hart Bros Seeds is situated in an ideal location for quality broadacre seed production. Drawing on growers in a 200km radius we can provide low, medium and high rainfall environments, as well as irrigation.


Hart Bros Seeds is determined to deliver the highest quality standards when it comes to professionally applied seed treatments. Our modern seed treaters are designed to apply numerous treatments with the highest efficacy and in the most efficient manner.


At Hart Bros Seeds we strive to process seed to the highest possible standard. All broad acre seed is screened through our Westrup, goes through indent cylinders and is then gravity cleaned to give us the highest standard end product, free of weeds and impurities.


Hart Bros Seeds has the capacity to store 3,900mt bulk and 1,320mt in bagged cool room storage, with an additional 300mt of short term storage.


Hart Bros can package seed in all forms to suit market requirements. Our seed is predominantly packed in 40kg poly bags and 1000kg Bulka bags, however we can also pack into 20kg and 25kg poly bags also.

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